A place dedicated to miscellaneous goodies, images, pictures, and anything else. This is ever-expanding the more I find, and any contributions are much appreciated! There's still so much I don't know about this series.
Assume inherent spoilers here!
The wonderful people over at The Spriter's Resource have compiled every single sprite, background, and fight CGs from the visual novels. Go check them out here!
Manga extras
These were, as far as I can tell, released with original distribution of the manga. Some with original art. I don't know how many there are total, this is all just scrounged up from online listings through the years. These are hard to find and I think not very well-known, so they're being archived here. Sorry about the terrible quality - they're all ripped from online listings.
Original: Meijiu and Huahua, drawn by Soichiro. Released for Season 1.
Original: Wayne, drawn by Soichiro. Released for Season 1.
Original: Meryl, in a snazzy new outfit, drawn by Soichiro. Released for Season 1.
Top two: Postcards of S1 Volume 1 and S1 Volume 2 cover art. Bottom two: Original; Miguel/Miguel & Caleb, drawn by Soichiro. Released for Season 1.
Original: Close up of the previous Miguel one. I own this one IRL!
S1 Volume 1 cover art. Fun fact: This is not the finished, released cover art! The background is different, lacking the shattered window and brown paint streaks. As far as I can tell, this version of the cover art is only used in this promotional postcard run.
Wandering Dogs, drawn by Nana Natsunishi. Released for Season 2.
I believe these are postcards. All art from the manga, drawn by Nana Natsunishi. Released for Season 2. (P.S the Xiaolan and Meijiu one is my most wanted out of all of these...
Top left, top middle, and bottom left. Drawn by Nana Natsunishi. Released for Season 2.
MASSIVE, massive thanks to the people at KH insider for these scans! I'll replace them with my own when I get the soundtrack in! But thank you so much!
First soundtrack cover.
Second soundtrack cover and back cover
Message from M. Zakky.
The ladies! I assume this is in the booklet.
Third soundtrack cover.
Third soundtrack back cover.
Booklet front and back cover.
Booklet pages 1 and 2.
Booklet pages 3 and 4.
Booklet pages 5 and 6.
Thank-you message from lyricist, who's name I'm not sure how to translate sorrysorry.
Cover of acoustic album.
Line stickers
These are stickers for the messenger app LINE, part of a bigger 07th Expansion pack. They're just cropped sprites with text and effects, but I like them quite a bit! Hit me up if anyone can translate what the text says so I can add it to the captions!
Character Art Book(s)
These are too long to display conveniently on a webpage, but they're uploaded on the 07th expansion wiki! Concept art for Season 1 (the first one) and the rest of them (second one). I actually (shittily) scanned the first one myself, which you can still find here , but literally during the process of making this site I found out glorious wiki admin OmegaBodega uploaded way better scans to the wiki. Find the first booklet here and the second one here . Thank you for your hard work OmegaBodega o7.
Light Novels
Art from the two light novels released. All art by Serori.
Character introduction for Volume 1.
Character introduction for Volume 1.
Character introduction for Volume 2.
Character introduction for Volume 2.
Stage Play
Official images from the stage play! Note: There are a lot of character portraits, that I won't be including here for... storage's sake, really. But you can find all of them here! (Each letter leads to S1-LS invididually). I'm not including the postcards given out/bought at showings because there are.. So Many... and I also have to get those from online listings. Maybe that'll be my next project.
Poster for the stage adaptation of Season One.
Poster for the stage adaptation of Season Two. Art by Nana Natsunishi.
Poster for the stage adaptation of Season Three. Art by You Omura.
Poster for the stage adaptation of Last Season. Art by Jiro Suzuki.
The famed shirt... the only information I have on this comes from an online listing, so grain of salt. This was a raffle prize at showings of the last season stageplay, autographed by the entire cast. Allegedly, only sixteen are in existence. andiownone
Back of the shirt!!
Mostly misc promotional material. Any information on the stuff I'm unsure about is heavily appreciated!
Okay, I'm really interested in these next few ones. According to tumblr user flamingo-chan (and I believe them), this is bonus art made by Soichiro for Gangan Joker, the magazine RGD was serialized in. However, I think original copies of these have been fully lost to time, and I really wonder if there's more aside from the ones flamingo-chan archived. I also wonder if physical copies were ever made! Soichiro seems to have an extremely minimal online presence, so I can't check their Twitter or anything, and the Gangan Joker website has gone through a lot of changes. Any leads on these are very much appreciated! Soichiro's art is great!!